What does an ordinary day in Gaza look like? Striplife starts nonetheless with an extraordinary event: dozens of manta rays have washed up on Gaza City beach. A miraculous catch that livens up the city where Antar is preparing to record a song, Noor is getting ready for his working day as a Watania TV reporter, teenagers in the Khan Younis camp are limbering up for...
Abacuc is a man of nearly 200 kilos who spends his days in a sort of indifferent immobility, in the absence of any kind of emotion. He hangs out at graveyards, thematic "Italy in miniature" parks or near utopic architectures. He lives in a railroad inspector's house and he never speaks. The only voice we hear is a feminine voice-over. Abacuc, pulled out from hi...
Dopo la fine della guerra in Bosnia, Halima, una contadina di un remoto villaggio musulmano, decide di ritrovare i resti di suo marito e di suo figlio, catturati dalle forze paramilitari serbe e giustiziati. Attraverso l'analisi del DNA, il Comitato delle Nazioni Unite per le persone scomparse riesce a identificare i resti del marito in una delle fosse comuni, ma non que...
Uno straordinario progetto cinematografico del 2012 che unisce 5 registi israeliani e 3 palestinesi in un film di 7 cortometraggi che raccontano in modo diverso l’acqua, ma soprattutto la difficile convivenza dei due popoli. Tra documentario e fiction, dramma e grottesco. Il film ha aperto la Settimana della Critica alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 2012. Una giovan...
Il film è ambientato nella Belfast degli anni '70, nel periodo in cui la città era al centro degli scontri tra Inghilterra e Irlanda. Il protagonista, Terry Hooley, mentre i suoi amici imbracciano le armi per contrastare gli inglesi, apre nella parte della città più tormentata degli scontri tra opposte fazioni, il negozio di dischi Good Vibrat...
Stefan è in pellegrinaggio verso il santuario di Lourdes. Hasim e Urika, due piccoli rifugiati ceceni, hanno attraversato il confine russo-polacco illegalmente. Quando capiscono che Stefan sta partendo, si nascondono nella sua auto, nella speranza di arrivare fino in Francia e ricongiugersi al proprio padre. Ciò che accade in questo viaggio tra Stefan e i bambi...
Three granddaughters with the same mechanical voice write a letter to their "dear grandpa". Maybe they are twins, surely they resemble each other like sisters. They confess their miserable and paralyzed lives to the octogenarian despot, asking him the reason for his resentment for Goethe and the reason for his unmentioned and unmentionable love for Stravinsky. The appearance...
Lisbon, 1994, a winter day. A forty years old woman spends the eight hours before the birth of her first child in desperation. Her partner, much younger that her, invents tragic, comic, caothic, crazy stories which correspond to the passing of the hours. The stories alleviate her pain.
A gray day. The ocean is calm. It's 7 a.m. Jon, 18 years old, wakes up and goes to the harbour to meet his friend Patxi. Intimacy and comprehension characterize their friendship. With the help of Patxi, Jon steals a fish case and undersells it. Passing by Maite's house, he realizes that in her bedroom there is Rafa, a vulgar pusher. The girl makes Jon understand that she ca...
On a summer day, a photographer, a young woman and a kid meet in the Emilian countryside crossed by the river Po. Thom, the photographer, walks along the banks of the river Po and the countryside. Anna works as a waiter in the restaurant where she lives with her aunts. A delirious old man goes after them with his rambling speeches, while a motorboat pilot tries to break a sp...