A journey into the heart of a modern working-class suburb, Ponte di Nona, a few kilometers away from Rome. Sara and Neda lead us through the dynamics of power which influence the daily life of the inhabitants: neighborhoods condemned to decay and neglect, constructed without any infrastructure, public transportation or areas to gather in. The result is a movie which tells ab...
After three years long relationship, Daniela e Marica decide they want a child. The movie tells about the seven months before their journey to Denmark, where they can realize their dream, the reactions of friends, parents and colleagues, the arrival at the clinic in Copenaghen and the suffered wait to become parents. Conflicts, delusions and hopes of an Italian lesbian coupl...
In Macas, in the Eastern part of Ecuador, Fundación Chankuap works as an important mediator between the international members of the foundation and the indigenous communities that live in the forests on the border with Perù. The relationships between the inside and the outside of the forest are regulated with a great precision: every intervention must be carefu...
David, a wooden masks sculptor, and Adélia, an ancient songs singer, are the main characters of this film set in Trás-os-Montes, a region in north-east Portugal. They witness the condition of abandon of this region, a land that still perserves the traces of a very ancient ocean. The stones, the fields, the vegetation devouring the abandoned houses, taking back what it once o...
Rome. Since four years, a never open clinic and a former arts high school are hosting ninety families of different nationalities and social classes. We move through this place observing the dynamics of the main characters who are leading us, through their testimonies, towards the true meaning of home. Home is an instrument which helps us growing and developing our personali...
Stefan è in pellegrinaggio verso il santuario di Lourdes. Hasim e Urika, due piccoli rifugiati ceceni, hanno attraversato il confine russo-polacco illegalmente. Quando capiscono che Stefan sta partendo, si nascondono nella sua auto, nella speranza di arrivare fino in Francia e ricongiugersi al proprio padre. Ciò che accade in questo viaggio tra Stefan e i bambi...
Ageroland is a village in the province of Naples, hidden behind the mounts of the Amalfi coast. Near the main square there is a tobacco shop owned by Sabato Cuomo, acute thinker, dogged smoker, ironic reporter of the daily life and observer of the human soul. The inhabitants of the village go every day to Sabato's shop: some of them buy the newspaper or the cigarettes, some ...
One night, Abed, a young Palestinian, enters illegally West Jerusalem passing through the sewage pipe under the wall dividing the city. He works in a restaurant with Claudia, the main character of the anecdote, half a dream half a story, which he tells to entertain his collegues while they smoke the last cigarette of the evening. A day when the restaurant was closed, he deci...
Rieucros is a small village in the region of Lozere, south of France. According to a Decree Law approved the 12.11.1938, Rieucros turns into a internment camp for foreigners. In the winter 1939-40, women of 25 different nationalities are interned here. They are all considered "suspectes", responsible for the economic, social and political crisis which France is living. Bald...
The film follows Gianluigi Trovesi, one of the greatest Italian jazz musician, in a journey through the musical aesthetics that he contributed to shape. The film accompanies the protagonist from the courtyard, a familiar and protected environment, and from the known and comforting images and sounds of his mother country to new, unknown and stimulating musical territories and...
In a city in Nothern Italy, a group of friends organizes the first Graziella bicycle World Olympics (Grazielliadi), the famous Italian 60's folding bike. From the dust of the basements and from abandoned parking places, a piece of history re-emerges, a rusty legacy of mothers and grandmothers. Kshan, 11 years old, has repainted and given a new life to his grandma's b...
Chronicles of the transformations of a piece of Marseille during the urban renovation plan that took place between 2007 and 2009. Some people moved away, some other arrived, some decided to stay or to resist, some decided to demolish, some other to build, some decided to keep living as nothing had happened. The director follows the changes, sometimes unexpected, to be able ...
In un’aula di una scuola d’infanzia è in corso un laboratorio teatrale. Le maestre raccontano il viaggio di Dorothy nel magico mondo di Oz. Ad ascoltare ci sono bambini tra i tre e i cinque anni, tutti nati in Italia da genitori stranieri. Frequentano la scuola materna Carlo Pisacane, nel cuore di Torpignattara, quartiere storico e popolare di Roma oggi ab...
Tutto modo tells the story of Ms Peles Ljubica who was deported by the Croatian Revolutionary Movement with many other Serbian during the Second World War. Ms Ljubica's point of view is told as a modern fairy tale that took place during the tragic anti-semitic deportations.
Carlo Feltrinelli street, southern-east outskirts of Milan. In between Tangenziale Est and an archery field are "Le case bianche", the so-called "White", council houses, built in 1986 and inhabited by 150 families. The are called "White" because white is the color of the asbestos panels of which they are covered. Oscar White, a rapper of Rogoredo, reports with his song "Mila...
The castle tells about one year inside Malpensa international airport, a place where burocracy and security controls put the freedom of passengers, animals and goods through the wringer. The airport is a strategic place where all kinds of Italian police are present. Here, the new security controls are tested: a permanent laboratory where experiments on security are carried o...
Joginder family is part of the Indian community that, in the past ten years, has settled down in Casazza, Cavallina valley. Today the economic crisis has affected the companies of the valley, marring the financial security on which Pal, Babli and Jessica Joginder have built their present. Suspended between the imaginary world of the Indian cinema and the dreariness of the da...
The Po valley as a place of the Absurd. Incestuous muddle of architectural stratification and construction failures. Palms, urban emptiness, urban fullness and palm-shaped neon lights. Swimming pools built in five days. Reconstructed neogothic villages. Terraced houses upon terraced houses. Loads of olive trees and decorational abuses. Countless claddings on materials people...
Voices, aspirations and contradictions of contemporary Iran through the lens of the nearly undocumented world of Zurkhaneh, the ancient Iranian gymnasia where traditional martial arts and music merge. Based on three years of ethnographic research, the film journeys from the Iranian diaspora in Canada, across urban Iran, to the first international Zurkhaneh Olympic tournament...
Four workers climb a 20 metres high gantry crane inside the hangar of the INNSE, the last active factory in Milan. They threaten to throw themselves down to stop the dismantling of the machineries and the closure of the factory they work in. The hangar is surrounded by dozens of policemen and supporters from all over Italy. The four workers spend eight days and eight nights ...