The story concerns three young people who meet in a small village near Canterbury. An American Army Sergeant who hasn't recently received any letter from his girlfriend, a British Army Sergeant, who, used to work as a pianist in a cinema, and a young shopping assistant, who joined the army after having lost her boyfriend in the war. Chaucer is a odd pretext for this pastoral...
Detective Mark McPherson investigates the killing of Laura Hunt, found dead on her apartment floor. McPherson builds a mental picture of the dead girl from the suspects whom he interviews. He is helped by the striking painting of the late lamented Laura hanging on her apartment wall. But who would have wanted to kill a girl with whom every man she met seemed to fall in love?...
L'ispettore di polizia Mark McPherson deve investigare sull'omicidio di Laura Hunt, trovata morta nel proprio appartamento. Capolavoro assoluto del film noir, con una splendida Gene Tierney.
L'attrazione di un maturo borghese per una donna misteriosa racconta il confine labile tra realtà e apparenza, innocenza e colpevolezza. Il professore di criminologia Richard Wanley, rimasto solo mentre la famiglia è in vacanza, si reca a cenare al club. Prima di entrare, ammira in una vetrina il ritratto di una bellissima donna. Incontratala di persona, si...
Dalla confessione registrata di un uomo ferito, parte la ricostruzione di un crimine che coinvolge un professionista di gradevole aspetto ma con pochi scrupoli, e una donna, Phillys Dietrichson, tanto attraente quanto pericolosa. Tutto inizia con un incontro fatale tra i due a seguito della scadenza di una certa polizza assicurativa appartenente al marito della bella Phillys...
Architect Walter Craig arrives at a country house to be restored where he meets some guests invited for a party. He immediately experience a déjà vu, as if he was living in one of his recurrent dreams. He knows the dream has a scaring ending, but he doesn't remember it. When he reveals to the guests that he has already seen them all in a dream, they start entertaining each o...
Al Roberts, a piano player working in New York, hitchhikes to reach his girlfriend Sue in Los Angeles. Haskell, a rich man, gives him a ride and start telling him about the last hitchhiker he gave a ride to: a girl who scratched his face when he made advances to her. Al takes his turn driving while Haskel falls asleep. When he tries to wake him up, Al realizes that he is dea...
Hélène, a young widow, and Jean have pledged their love to each other, but are not engaged to marry. Their love affair allows dalliances with others, but they have promised to put each other first above all others. Hélène has been warned by a friend that Jean's love for her has cooled and fears this is correct. She tricks him into confessing, by pretending her own feelings f...
Joan Webster, twenty-five years old, knows exactly what she wants from life. She decides to take a ship for the island of Kiloran, in the Hebrides , to marry Sir Robert Bellenger, an old rich man. Because of the fog, the ship stops on the island of Mull, where Joan spends some time with Torquil, a young Marine officer. On the island, Joan gets to know some of the inhabitants...
Gilda, una ballerina, si sposa con Ballin per far dispetto a Johnny, l'ex amante che l'ha lasciata. In seguito Ballin salva la vita a Johnny che, per riconoscenza, accetta di lavorare nella sua bisca, dove ritrova Gilda. Il nuovo incontro tra i due scatena sentimenti che sembravano ormai spenti. Cult movie che consacrò la bellezza selvaggia della Hayworth.