Zak, a young man of Algerian origins, lives in a village in Southern France. When he learns about his father's death in Algeria, he decides to go there with his family. The journey will give him the chance to approach the Arabian culture, the culture of his motherland that he has never experienced. The movie has won the Kodak Prize at Torino Film Festival and the Best Direct...
Jimmy is 18 years old and lives in a sleepy town in Sardinia. He doesn't know what to do with his life, but one thing he knows is that he will not work in the oil refinery of his town. He wants to leave. In the attempt to find enough money to leave for Mexico, he will find himself breaking laws and living recklessly. It is then that the doors of the juvenile prison will swi...
The movie was born from a bizarre analogy which compares social movements to clouds. Clouds appear to be all the same, but only from a distance; they change all the time, and even when they cause damage they are crucial to life on earth. In the same way, social movements put energy back into circulation; they are a response to bottled-up energies in the society at large. Gu...
During a meteor shower, a little girl sets out on a journey in which she faces her fears. The thought of her mother, victim of a banal bike incident will keep her company on the way home. "If in some precise moments, you feel clusters of thoughts flowing through the wrinkles of the soul or of a smile... well, let it be. It is us, knocking. Prepare your shoes and your gloves,...
1908, Torre del Lago. Doria, the waitress of the musician Puccini is accused by his wife, Elvira, to be his lover. The girl, incapable of bearing the injustice, kills herself. The autopsy will show that she was a virgin. This dramatic story pervaded Giacomo Puccini's life and music. Doria Manfredi's story will be the inspiration for Liù, in Turandot.
Stefan è in pellegrinaggio verso il santuario di Lourdes. Hasim e Urika, due piccoli rifugiati ceceni, hanno attraversato il confine russo-polacco illegalmente. Quando capiscono che Stefan sta partendo, si nascondono nella sua auto, nella speranza di arrivare fino in Francia e ricongiugersi al proprio padre. Ciò che accade in questo viaggio tra Stefan e i bambi...
One night, Abed, a young Palestinian, enters illegally West Jerusalem passing through the sewage pipe under the wall dividing the city. He works in a restaurant with Claudia, the main character of the anecdote, half a dream half a story, which he tells to entertain his collegues while they smoke the last cigarette of the evening. A day when the restaurant was closed, he deci...
The film is a mathematical calculation and, to come true, needs the support of the pataphysics. Sixty scenes, shot on Super 8, have been retrieved from the archive of Cinescatti, a project of Laboratorio 80 and Bergamo Film Meeting. The scenes are parts of simple footages about travels, domestic life, public demostrations and there are also some of them which were not meant ...
Old family footages unveil to a girl a secret that nobody wants to remember. The images of a summer walk awake the darkness of a long forgotten story. The echoes of an unknown dimension ask for the redemption of the denied memories.
Il film è ambientato nella Belfast degli anni '70, nel periodo in cui la città era al centro degli scontri tra Inghilterra e Irlanda. Il protagonista, Terry Hooley, mentre i suoi amici imbracciano le armi per contrastare gli inglesi, apre nella parte della città più tormentata degli scontri tra opposte fazioni, il negozio di dischi Good Vibrat...