Ciro is a young boxer. He lives in the old quartier of Ventaglieri, in the historical centre of Naples. He is a quiet boy who practices a gory sport and faces difficulties with tenderness and silent tenaciousness as a real champion. The film tells about silences, breaths, bodies, boxing rings, the fans' screams, Ciro's tenderness contrasting the crudity of the boxing, the re...
The film follows Gianluigi Trovesi, one of the greatest Italian jazz musician, in a journey through the musical aesthetics that he contributed to shape. The film accompanies the protagonist from the courtyard, a familiar and protected environment, and from the known and comforting images and sounds of his mother country to new, unknown and stimulating musical territories and...
Cotacachi, Ecuador. A small colony of elderly American expats retires here to escape the effects of the global economic crisis. The tale of their lives and relationships provides the portrait of an exiled micro-community, a community hurt and traumatized, by the betrayal of the American Dream. They're looking for security, prosperity, well-being and - above all...
Kieslowski's diploma film tells about some young girls, workers at one of Lodzi's large textile factories, protesting against the break-up of a band of old style mandolin players. The film shines a peculiar and enchanting light on the daily life in an unusual and decadent city.
Four workers climb a 20 metres high gantry crane inside the hangar of the INNSE, the last active factory in Milan. They threaten to throw themselves down to stop the dismantling of the machineries and the closure of the factory they work in. The hangar is surrounded by dozens of policemen and supporters from all over Italy. The four workers spend eight days and eight nights ...
Interviews to different women who are asked to answer two questions: "What do you have in common with your mother? What does your mother have in common with you?" Women who tell about the deepest blood tie, the ancestral and biological bond.
Di madre in figlia racconta una scheggia di storia patria. Il Coro delle Mondine di Novi, un gruppo di venti donne, molte delle quali ottantenni, ancora si esibisce in sagre e feste. Le loro canzoni di protesta, d’amore, di malinconia, sono le stesse che cantavano lavorando in risaia molti decenni fa. GUARDALO SUBITO
In Venice, amongst the clothes hung out to dry and a small altar with Jesus's effigy, hides an historical section of "Rifondazione comunista", the Italian Communist Refoundation Party. Gianni, Saverio and Corrado meet there daily since 1973, year in which they founded the local section of the party. Day after day, many things have happened: the Berlin Wall fell, the Soviet U...
Licu, 27 years old, was born in Bangladesh. He is muslim and for a few years he has lived in Rome in a flat shared with other eight people. He has just gotten his residency permit and he works twelve hours a day. In the morning he works as a warehouse worker in a textile workshop and in the evening as a cashier in a food shop. With his Elvis hairstyle, his designer shirts an...
The camera moves around the villages of the high Caucasus, in the Northern Azerbaijan, where ancient tribes still live, like the mountain Jews. Monika Bulaj enters this world, made of daily gestures, magic and mysteries. Houses toil up mountains and during the night the men tell stories, always different ones. Those people seem to belong both to the earth and the sky. The ti...