Can a movie with death as a main subject make people laugh? Six feet above makes light of all those jobs dealing with death: the coffin maker, the embalmer, the medium, the cemetery worker, the florist. Memento mori...
Resistencia is entirely based on material found in a private archive composed of roughly two thousand pictures that my great-uncle took between the 30's and the 60's. Through his private memories, I have tried to tell a collective story, the story of the city Resistencia (Chaco, Argentina), born as a colony of Italian immigrants.
Sergio is a fisherman and, some years ago, together with his father and his brother, he built a fishing hut on the island of Giudecca, Italy. Sergio has a passion for Japan, where he once has been, when he was a younger sailor. That's why his hut is wallpapered with photos, prints and Japanese objects which make the place look surreal. The door is always open and all the qu...
During a meteor shower, a little girl sets out on a journey in which she faces her fears. The thought of her mother, victim of a banal bike incident will keep her company on the way home. "If in some precise moments, you feel clusters of thoughts flowing through the wrinkles of the soul or of a smile... well, let it be. It is us, knocking. Prepare your shoes and your gloves,...
The emergency of living quarters, as told through the experiences of the inhabitants of Roma Residence, a residential complex located in Bravetta, not far from downtown Rome. This documentary is not an investigation, it shows the metamorphosis of a living experience that lasted over a year. It shows the faces, the dynamics between different communities, the residence buildin...
Translating tells about the journey of words from a language to another. The luggage is carried by the translator, who is leading us. During the journey, language becomes a musical instrument and the translator turns into a baker, who bring fresh bread on the table, every day. Every language is a sound, a sound that fascinates and pushes you towards the meaning.
Urgon, a jellyfish with an horrible head, snake-like hairs and the power to petrify. Urgon is the ancient name that Greek sailors gave to the tiny island in the Northern Mediterranean which is now known as Gorgonia. Since 1869, the island hosts a prison and its inhabitants are only the prisoners, policemen, one inhabitant and two nuns. The prisoners are involved in many of t...
Un film sulla guerra del 2006, e le conseguenze della guerra come raramente vengono mostrate. Una terribile metafora del conflitto totale, dove non c’e? confronto diretto tra i nemici ma solamente la visione apocalittica della distruzione. Un’opera dedicata a tutti i civili, vittime innocenti della guerra assoluta. Il film verra? introdotto e discusso all&rsqu...
Nightwatch ("Ronda di notte") è il titolo del quadro che segnò la rovina sociale ed economica di Rembrandt. Il pittore accettò nel 1642 di eseguire il ritratto di gruppo di una compagnia di milizia civica di Amsterdam, ma quando scoprì una cospirazione orchestrata dai suoi committenti, trasformò il dipinto in un atto di accusa. La...
Il giornalista di Match Jacques-Marie Bourget: «Credevo di incontrare un fumatore di canne, scopro un alpinista... ». Marco Siffredi aveva appena sceso la Nant Blanc con lo snowboard, dieci anni dopo la prima discesa di Jean-Marc Boivin: 1000 metri tra i 55 e i 60 gradi, con goulottes e barre rocciose. A ventitrè anni Marco scende l’Everest per la se...