The film tells the confused and complex life of a family of itinerant actors who comes originally from Osaka. The young director, who has abandoned the university for love of the theatre, is secretely in love with his son's wife, but he is tormented by his youngest daughter, still unmarried. During their tournée, they stop in a tiny village where all these relationships will...
Yoshimoto Ogata, a pornographer, lives with his wife Haru, cursed by the restless spirit of her dead first husband, and her two children. His step-son, Koichi, wants to go to university and her step-daughter, Keiko, is entering adolescence. He lusts after his step-daughter and Koichi keeps provoking him and threatening to abandon the family. Subu fears that these stormy fami...
Kikuchi is not a man particularly brilliant or outgoing, but anyway he has deep thoughts. During the day he works in a big launderette, where he mechanically fills and empties the washing machines. In the evenings, he works in a supermarket. He falls in love with a girl who works as a cashier there, but he is too shy to speak to her. When he finds out that his new colleague ...
Asao can't deal with relationships with women. One morning, after having dreamt about a beautiful woman having sex in an expensive car, he convinces himself that women love men who own a car. So he decides to buy one, but contrary to all his expectations, he keeps being refused and the car crashes against a truck. After several humiliating and unsuccessful tries, Asao meets ...
1961. The Himori gang is in troubles since the authorities decide to close the brothel they had opened near an American naval base. To make ends meet, they start to steal, rob and intimidate. The situation gets even worse when the cashier of the gang steals all the money that was destined to the purchase of some pigs and Tetsuji, the boss, is hospitalized. The gang tears its...
Kurage is an imaginary island south-west of Japan and its inhabitants still live like primitives and believe that the island has been created by the gods. One day, the engineer Kariya arrives from Tokyo, looking for a source of water which is needed by a local sugar refinery. The local population will undermine his trust in rationality. The movie tells about the eternal conf...
Twenty-year-old Atsushi and his seventeen-year-old girlfriend Mari arrive in Tokyo from the suburbs with plans to marry despite their parent's objections but they are soon pulled into the city's dark underside. Atsushi meets Miki, a fading adult video (AV) actress, and gets introduced by the veteran Yoshiya to the occupation of "scoutman", recruiters who ply the streets tryi...
Shinji e Masaru sono due perdigiorno: girano in bicicletta, fanno scherzi ai professori, ricattano i compagni, passano il tempo bevendo e fumando in un bar. Dopo aver lasciato la scuola i due ragazzi cercano il successo e il riscatto, diventando uno un pugile, l'altro un membro di una gang della Yakuza. Un film di Kitano con molti elementi autobiografici, in cui le vite ...
Alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, quattro fratelli di età tra i dieci e i vent'anni rimasti orfani, vivono di stenti in una cittadina mineraria nel Giappone meridionale. Dopo numerose difficoltà, i quattro fratelli sono costretti a separarsi. Amarezza e ottimismo convivono in questa odissea famigliare.
Born with a hearing impairment, Shigeru is a part timer working for the sanitation service. His girlfriend Takako has the same condition as well. On his usual pickup route, Shigeru finds a broken surf-board in a pile of garbage. His introduction to the world of surfing. Shigeru fails in his attempt to catch a wave and Takako looks on as the locals heckle the first time surfe...