Forced in bed by a sickness, Alexei pounders about his life, mixing past present, reality and imagination. He thinks back to his father who abandoned his mother and this reminds him of his actual situation. The man is living a similar situation: he divorced from his wife Natalija and has a son, Ignat, who refuses to see him. The same actress plays the role of his mother and ...
1940. Escaping from Italy, Maria and her boyfriend Olmo, a political activist, arrive to London where they hope to get asylum, but when Italy enters the war, Olmo gets arrested by the British authorities. Maria, alone, will be helped by Beatrice, who offers her protection and refugee on her boat.
The last exam of the summer session is close and Emanuele fears to fail. As anybody else in that situation, he would like to have a substitute.
A man walks down the exterior staircase of some building. He passes a small window and sees a young woman standing at a washbasin, drying her hair with a towel that covers her face. Fearing to be seen, the man starts down the stairs, only to return to the window afterwards. He again looks in the same window and this time he sees a man brushing his teeth who gives him an uns...
Uno scultore necessita di un folto giardino. Di giorno esegue calchi funebri ai morti del villaggio, consegnando alle rispettive famiglie non le spoglie autentiche ma una copia in cera coperta da maschera mortuaria. I cadaveri, deposti con cura nel terreno dietro casa, fanno maturare il giardino, mentre le colonie di funghi alimentate dalla loro decomposizione generano in c...
A scorching summer day in a degraded and unreal southern city. Four kids meet a black prostitute and so, a day similar to many others turns into a moment of discovery and growth.
Psychologist Kris Kelvin is about to embark on an interstellar journey to a space station orbiting the remote oceanic planet Solaris. He spends his last day on Earth reflecting on his life while walking by a lake near his childhood home where his elderly father still resides. Upon his arrival at Solaris Station, none of the three remaining scientists bother to greet Kelvin, ...
Sobibor, October 14, 1943, 4 p.m. was realized during the shootings of the monumental documentary Shoah. In Shoah nobody of the main Jewish characters had given testimony for Sobibor, one of only two successful uprisings at a Nazi extermination camp during the Second World War, a revolt that Lanzman defines " Jewish people's recover of their strength and violence". The rec...
Joan Webster, twenty-five years old, knows exactly what she wants from life. She decides to take a ship for the island of Kiloran, in the Hebrides , to marry Sir Robert Bellenger, an old rich man. Because of the fog, the ship stops on the island of Mull, where Joan spends some time with Torquil, a young Marine officer. On the island, Joan gets to know some of the inhabitants...
La trentenne Rinko non ha da anni rapporti con il marito, un uomo molto più anziano di lei con l’ossessione per la pulizia. La donna, che lavora come centralinista in un centro psichiatrico, riceve un giorno una busta con delle fotografie che la ritraggono, nuda, in atteggiamenti intimi. L'uomo che le ha inviato le immagini ordina a Rinko di mettere in ...