"When I get old, I will finally have time to read my books in the garden", said Enrico Cattaneo, alias "Ketto", on the day of his 90th birthday. It sounds like a joke, but it is instead a sign of the wit and vitality that still today characterize him. Born in 1917 in a well-to-do family, he has gone through the XX century in an adventurous and original way. A passionate film...
Above the ground: in the 60's, Mario moved to France and built his house in Landres, Lorraine region. Under the ground: while building his house, Mario has worked in a iron mine for 20 years. Today the mines are closed, the floods made the soil unstable. Hundreds of buildings crumbled down and some other are precarious. Mario lives a kafkaesque situation: for years, he has b...
Antonia always want to please the other. She accepts the cumbersome presence of her mother, who, despite her age, has found a younger boyfriend. She stands her former husband, who is constantly pouring on her all his problems. She is persecuted by Caterina, who attends one of her courses for depressed housewives. The only moments when she feels at her easy are at the psychia...
Chronicles of the transformations of a piece of Marseille during the urban renovation plan that took place between 2007 and 2009. Some people moved away, some other arrived, some decided to stay or to resist, some decided to demolish, some other to build, some decided to keep living as nothing had happened. The director follows the changes, sometimes unexpected, to be able ...
In un’aula di una scuola d’infanzia è in corso un laboratorio teatrale. Le maestre raccontano il viaggio di Dorothy nel magico mondo di Oz. Ad ascoltare ci sono bambini tra i tre e i cinque anni, tutti nati in Italia da genitori stranieri. Frequentano la scuola materna Carlo Pisacane, nel cuore di Torpignattara, quartiere storico e popolare di Roma oggi ab...
Tutto modo tells the story of Ms Peles Ljubica who was deported by the Croatian Revolutionary Movement with many other Serbian during the Second World War. Ms Ljubica's point of view is told as a modern fairy tale that took place during the tragic anti-semitic deportations.
Carlo Feltrinelli street, southern-east outskirts of Milan. In between Tangenziale Est and an archery field are "Le case bianche", the so-called "White", council houses, built in 1986 and inhabited by 150 families. The are called "White" because white is the color of the asbestos panels of which they are covered. Oscar White, a rapper of Rogoredo, reports with his song "Mila...
A Villa La Angostura, piccola località della Patagonia ai piedi del Cerro Bayo, la stagione sciistica è ormai alle porte quando Juana, matriarca di una famiglia un po’ strampalata, tenta il suicidio e finisce in coma. Nessuno si spiega il perché, ma intanto si sparge la voce che la donna potrebbe aver vinto una grossa cifra al casinò. Solo M...
Nella regione dello Zanskar, a quattromila metri di altitudine, il villaggio di Sking è uno dei più isolati. Gli abitanti dipendono dalla coltivazione della terra. Sono le donne a occuparsi dei raccolti. Il racconto della vita delle persone del luogo nasce dal dialogo che la regista instaura con i suoi protagonisti.
Sulle montagne del deserto di Atacama in Cile sono installati i telescopi più potenti del mondo. Mentre gli scienziati cercano nel cosmo le origini della vita, gli archeologi esplorano il terreno per ritrovare le tracce delle popolazioni precolombiane. In mezzo a loro si muovono i parenti delle persone scomparse sotto il regime di Pinochet, alla ricerca dei resti dei ...