This documentary film follows the process of creating one of Velasco Vitali's famous dog sculptures, from wax to glazed bronze, at Fonderia Artistica Battaglia (Battaglia Artistic Foundry), in Milan. The film observes the work of a group of skilled artisans in this 100-year old foundry and reveals the ancient traditions of bronze sculpture making, un...
Andrea da bambino aveva un eroe: “il Rino”. Rino è stato il mentore di Andrea. Partigiano, comunista: diverso da tutti. Da anni Andrea pensava a un film su Rino partigiano. Ma oggi Rino non può più raccontare: ha il morbo di Alzheimer. Andrea comincia a rivedere le decine di cassette con registrate le storie dell...
“L’infinita Fabbrica del Duomo” tells the story of the birth and the ongoing maintenance of the Milan Cathedral through the centuries. First act of the tetralogy "Spira Mirabilis" which deals with the concept of immortality through the elements of nature, L’infinita Fabbrica del Duomo represents the element of the earth. Through a poetic...
Artist, anarchist, drop-out, paperless immigrant: Giovanni Segantini was all of this. He created, usually under the open sky, monumental, idealized alpine landscapes. In the course of his lifetime, he climbed ever higher in search of more light, finally dying at 41 in an Engadin alpine hut at 2700m. The film offers insight into his difficult childhood and boyhood, shares his...
Abraham and Shraga are Orthodox Jewish aging twins who live a secluded existence in their inherited Brooklyn home. Since the death of their parents, they have stopped throwing away anything, hosting stray cats and accumulating all sorts of stuff. Enraged by the situation, the upstairs tenant threatens to stop paying them rent unless they proceed with a radical cleaning of...
Milano, Cinema Beltrade Napoli, Artecinema – Festival Internazionale di Film sull'Arte contemporanea Perugia, Postmodernissimo Bergamo, Auditorium Cinema Lab 80 Fiorenzuola (PC), Cinema Capitol Torino, Museo Nazionale del Cinema Reggio Emilia, Cinema Rosebud Roma, Apollo 11 Lecce, Officine della Fotografia c/o Officine Cantelmo Tre...
Loznitsa’s Austerlitz is a documentary study, with almost no audible dialogue of any kind, of the increasingly established tourist phenomenon at the Nazi death camps in Germany. He sets up fixed camera positions at the Dachau and Sachsenhausen camps, which have huge visitor numbers due to being close to big cities (Munich and Berlin respectively) and simply records the...
SYNOPSIS Africa. In the wild expanses, where bushbucks, impalas, zebras, gnus and other creatures graze by the thousands, they are on holiday. German and Austrian hunting tourists drive through the bush, lie in wait, stalk their prey. They shoot, sob with excitement and pose before the animals they have bagged. A vacation movie about killing, a movie about human nature. ...
The prison not only as a place for detention, but for reflection and gaining awareness. Twelve months with the detainees convicted for sex crimes and the intensive treatment team from CIPM, operating the first experiment in Italy to prevent recidivism of sexual violence. A treatment designed to understand, redefine and then change the meaning of our own e...
In Erik Gandini’s recent documentary The Swedish Theory of Love (2015) there is a character who stands out, the surgeon Erik Erichsen. This film is an intimate portrait of him and his wife Sennait. After serving 30 years in a Swedish hospital Dr Erichsen was fed up with all the bureaucracy and administration. He decided to move someplace where he could make a...