The prison not only as a place for detention, but for reflection and gaining awareness. Twelve months with the detainees convicted for sex crimes and the intensive treatment team from CIPM, operating the first experiment in Italy to prevent recidivism of sexual violence. A treatment designed to understand, redefine and then change the meaning of our own experience, and life.
Country: Italy
Year: 2016
Running time: 84'
Genre: documentary
Screenplay: Claudio Casazza
Cinematography: Claudio Casazza
Editing: Luca Mandrile. Assistente al montaggio Marco Noris
Produced by: Enrica Capra, GraffitiDoc s.r.l. con il sostegno di Ministero dei beni e delle Attività Culturali e di Piemonte Doc Film Fund.
Festival: Festival dei Popoli, Firenze 2016 (Premio del pubblico); Trieste Film Festival 2017; Mese del Documentario (Primo Premio).
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