
by Rossella Schillaci

Through valuable archive material and the real voices of female partisan, this film tells the role of women in the Italian Resistance.
According to many, this period marked the birth of feminism in Italy, where the struggle fo liberation is also seen as emancipation and pursuit of freedom and equality. What happened after the celebrations of April 25, 1945? What did women get after Liberation? Were expectations fulfilled and promises maintained? Their reflections, sometimes to love, reveal a piece of our often forgotten history. The film investigates a peace of forgotten history, from Resistance to the post-war period.

Country: Italy
Year: 2017
Running time: 76'
Format: DCP, Blu Ray
Language: Italiano
Genre: documentary
Screenplay: Paola Olivetti, Rossella Schillaci
Cinematography: Stefania Bona, Davide Marcone
Editing: Fulvio Montano
Music: Giorgio Canali, Milva
With: Ada Gobetti, Giuliana Gadola Beltrami, Bianca Guidetti Serra, Lucia Boetto Testori, Maria Airaudo, Lia Corinaldi, Marisa Sacco, Alda Bianco, Marisa Rodano, Anna Cherchi, Joyce Lussu, Chiara Acciarini, Carla Dappiano, Carmen Nanotti
Produced by: prodotto da Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza nell'ambito del Polo del '900 con il sostegno di Città di Torino, Compagnia di San Paolo, Film Commission Torino Piemonte (Piemonte Doc Film Fuond) in collaborazione con Azul e distribuito da Lab 80 film

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