Hotel Bosnia

by Sergio Visinoni, Andrea Zanoli

The educational camps in Zenica, near Sarajevo, Tuzla and Srebrenica have been important instruments for the reconstruction after the Balcanic wars. Hotel Bosnia tells about the restoration of the public school in Srebrenica, where a terrible massacre took place. A story of solidarity and condemnation, an invitation to think about the present and the future of a new European social dimension.
Country: Italia
Year: 2009
Running time: 32'
Format: DVD
Language: v. o.
Subtitles: italiano
Genre: documentary
Cinematography: Sergio Visinoni, Andrea Zanoli
Editing: Sergio Visinoni, Andrea Zanoli
Music: Ilonàz Oigres

Realizzato per Filca Cisl di Bergamo, Brescia, Milano e Lombardia