The film follows Gianluigi Trovesi, one of the greatest Italian jazz musician, in a journey through the musical aesthetics that he contributed to shape. The film accompanies the protagonist from the courtyard, a familiar and protected environment, and from the known and comforting images and sounds of his mother country to new, unknown and stimulating musical territories and back again.
Country: Italia
Year: 2010
Running time: 62'
Format: DCP, Blu-ray, File HD, DVD
Language: italiano, dialetto bergamasco
Genre: documentary
Screenplay: Renato Magni, Sergio Visinoni
Cinematography: Sergio Visinoni, Andrea Zanoli
Editing: Sergio Visinoni
With: Gianluigi Trovesi, Barre Philips, Manfed Schoolf, Günter “Baby” Sommer, Sandro Barcella, Riccardo Bergerone, Stefania Trovesi, Giuseppe Pelliccioli, Paolo Fresu, Filarmonica Mousiké, Giordano Montecchi, Corpo Musicale “Religio et Partia” Tavernola Bergamasca, Paolino Marchelli, Franca Marchelli, Gianni Coscia, Stefano Montanari
Festival: Intimalente - Festival di film etnografici di Caserta 2012