Filati Lastex nel rumore delle ruspe

by Andrea Cremaschi, Davide Lantieri

The demolition of an old factory in the outskirts of Bergamo brings back to light the story of a workers' victory. In 1974, in the middle of an economic crisis, Lastex Yarn fired half of its workers. The factory is occupied and after months of protest, the workers show that the crisis is only a pretext to close and move the production lines to Malaysia, where the man power is cheaper. The local administration buys the factory to avoid that 300 workers lose their job and the production starts again. Today, the factory doesn't exist anymore, but this story is being told by the protagonists of those protests, by the images and by the voices of the ones who occupied the factory during the dispute.

Country: Italia
Year: 2004
Running time: 47'
Genre: documentary
Screenplay: Andrea Cremaschi, Davide Lantieri, Chiara Cremaschi
Cinematography: Andrea Zambelli, Alberto Valtellina
Editing: Sergio Visinoni, Andrea Cremaschi, Davide Lantieri
Music: Johnny Cash
Produced by: Lab80 film, Arci Redona (Bergamo) all’interno del progetto “Filati Lastex: la memoria della comunità”