On a summer day, a photographer, a young woman and a kid meet in the Emilian countryside crossed by the river Po.
Thom, the photographer, walks along the banks of the river Po and the countryside. Anna works as a waiter in the restaurant where she lives with her aunts. A delirious old man goes after them with his rambling speeches, while a motorboat pilot tries to break a speed record on the river. Their stories intertwine and unravel in the motionless landscape of the Padana plain where nothing but the usual things seem to happen.
Country: Italia
Year: 1985
Running time: 91'
Language: italiano, francese
Genre: fiction
Screenplay: Attilio Concari, Davide Ferrario
Cinematography: Renato Tafuri
Editing: Michael Hesser
Music: Manuel De Sica
With: Tom Hoffman, Valeria D’Obici, Andrea Puglisi, Enzo Robutti, Andrea Quattromini, Elena Bonafè
Produced by: MVM Films