The film tells the confused and complex life of a family of itinerant actors who comes originally from Osaka.
The young director, who has abandoned the university for love of the theatre, is secretely in love with his son's wife, but he is tormented by his youngest daughter, still unmarried.
During their tournée, they stop in a tiny village where all these relationships will come violently to surface.
Country: Giappone
Year: 1958
Running time: 92'
Genre: fiction
Screenplay: Toshiro Suzuki
Cinematography: Kurataro Takamura
Editing: Tadashi Nakamura
Music: Toshiro Mayuzumi
With: Osamu Takizawa, Kin Sugai, Shinichi Yanigizawa, Yoko Minamida, Michie Kita, Hiroyuki Nagato
Produced by: Nikkatsu