Four workers climb a 20 metres high gantry crane inside the hangar of the INNSE, the last active factory in Milan. They threaten to throw themselves down to stop the dismantling of the machineries and the closure of the factory they work in. The hangar is surrounded by dozens of policemen and supporters from all over Italy. The four workers spend eight days and eight nights in a few square meters space at 40°. Newspaper speak about class struggle, but it is not a simple struggle. They have a clear strategy. They have an organized army. There are clear rules, it is a war with a workable paradigm for all forms of struggle.
Country: Italia
Year: 2012
Running time: 84'
Genre: documentary
Cinematography: Luca Bellino, Giorgio Carella, Vania Tegamellli
Editing: Luca Bellino
Music: Nicolò Mulas, Gianmaria Testa
Produced by: Kino Produzioni, Indieair Films, TFilm
Festival: VII Festival Internazionale Del Film Di Roma (Premio biblioteche di Roma - Miglior documentario di narrazione), Premio Marcellino De Baggis (Miglior documentario internazionale), Docucity 2013 (Premio del pubblico e menzione speciale della giuria) V Festival del documentario d'Abruzzo
(Miglior documentario Panorama Italiano) XI Ischia Film Festival (Menzione speciale della giuria - Location Negata) Napoli Film Festival (Premio Avanti!), 56th Dok Leipzig (Nomination Leipziger Ring & Healthy Workplaces Film Award), Anuu-Ru Aboro Festival du Cinema des Peuples
(Premio speciale della giuria), 32° Jean Rouch Film Festival (Premio Mario Ruspoli), Festival del cinema dei diritti umani di Napoli (Menzione speciale della giuria), Crossing Europe Film Festival (Miglior documentario), Mediterranean Film Festival 2014 (Grand Prix)
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