Strade di casa

by Alberto Antonio Dandolo

Rome. Since four years, a never open clinic and a former arts high school are hosting ninety families of different nationalities and social classes. We move through this place observing the dynamics of the main characters who are leading us, through their testimonies, towards the true meaning of home. Home is an instrument which helps us growing and developing our personality, the place we leave to face life, the place where we can discover and cultivate our talents, a deep sense of intimacy and sharing, strength and dignity. This, and much more, is the meaning of home. Going around the community of Casale de Merode, we understand what is a need and what is a choice, we understand the concept of living together as a community and the existence of an alternative...
Country: Italia
Year: 2009
Running time: 42'
Genre: documentary
Cinematography: Alberto Antonio Dandolo
Editing: Daniele Lianka Carlevaro
Music: Massimiliano Ottocento
With: Lorenzo C., Piero R., Shahriar Yaghmaie, Yonas Teklay, Tidek Desta Kidante, Miluska B., Larbi Bahil, Luis Camacho, Nadia Vecchioli, Sonia Vecchioli, Valeria Bianchi, Diego Gallo, Hector Ledo
Produced by: Ass. Culturale Mimesi, Università Roma Tre