Le pere di Adamo

by Guido Chiesa

The movie was born from a bizarre analogy which compares social movements to clouds. Clouds appear to be all the same, but only from a distance; they change all the time, and even when they cause damage they are crucial to life on earth. In the same way, social movements put energy back into circulation; they are a response to bottled-up energies in the society at large. Guido Chiesa directs a sort of essay in images that stars a meteorologist, Luca Mercalli; a Scottish teenager, math and music whiz; and an animated cartoon scientist. The result is a highly illuminating and stirring allegory that links weather disturbances to the sensibility of those living on this planet here and now.
Country: Italia
Year: 2007
Running time: 90'
Format: 35 mm
Language: italiano, inglese, francese
Subtitles: italiano
Genre: fiction
Screenplay: Guido Chiesa, Wu Ming 3
Cinematography: Luciano Federici, Kathleen Friend, Remy Mazet
Editing: Luca Gasparini
Music: Teho Teardo
With: Luca Mercalli, Iain McLarty, François Loïc Glasman, Mariline Gurdon, Mitsou Doudeau, Sandra Bechtel, Giuseppe Battiston
Produced by: Orione Cinematografica