Koudelka fotografa la Terra Santa

Koudelka Shooting Holy Land

by Gilad Baram


Milano, Cinema Beltrade
Napoli, Artecinema – Festival Internazionale di Film sull'Arte contemporanea
Perugia, Postmodernissimo
Bergamo, Auditorium Cinema Lab 80
Fiorenzuola (PC), Cinema Capitol
Torino, Museo Nazionale del Cinema
Reggio Emilia, Cinema Rosebud
Roma, Apollo 11
Lecce, Officine della Fotografia c/o Officine Cantelmo
Treviso, Cinema Edera
Bologna, Cinema Orione
Lucca, Cinema Centrale / Photo Lux Festival
Andria (BT), Sala Comunale
Monza, Cineforum Villoresi (14th November with the presence of the director)
Firenze, Cinema La Compagnia (16th November with the presence of the director)
Bologna, Auditorium Fondazione MAST (17th November with the presence of the director)
Mantova, Cinema del Carbone (21st November with the presence of the director)
Varese, Ass. "Le Vie dei Venti", Sala Montanari (25th November in videoconference with the director)


Czech Photographer Josef Koudelka grew up behind the Iron Curtain and always wanted to know “what was on the other side”. Forty years after capturing the iconic images of the Soviet invasion of Prague in 1968, the legendary Magnum photographer arrives in Israel and Palestine. On first seeing the nine-meter-high wall built by Israel in the West Bank, Koudelka is deeply shaken and embarks on a four-year project in the region which will confront him once again with the harsh reality of violence and conflict.
Director Gilad Baram, Koudelka’s assistant at the time, follows him on his journey through the Holy Land from one enigmatic and visually spectacular location to another. In each location – soon to become a new “Koudelka photo” – a new scene unfolds, gradually introducing us to Koudelka’s method of working and his perception of the world he is documenting as well as the people he encounters.A fascinating dialogue emerges between Baram’s cinematography and Koudelka’s still photographs, as Baram places the photographer in his own breathtaking compositions.

Country: Germany, Czech Republic
Year: 2015
Running time: 76'
Genre: documentary
Screenplay: Gilad Baram, Elisa Purfürst
Cinematography: Gilad Baram
Editing: Elisa Purfürst
Music: Tobias Purfürst
With: Josef Koudelka
Produced by: Nowhere Films

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