The film follows Gianluigi Trovesi, one of the greatest Italian jazz musician, in a journey through the musical aesthetics that he contributed to shape. The film accompanies the protagonist from the courtyard, a familiar and protected environment, and from the known and comforting images and sounds of his mother country to new, unknown and stimulating musical territories and...
In a city in Nothern Italy, a group of friends organizes the first Graziella bicycle World Olympics (Grazielliadi), the famous Italian 60's folding bike. From the dust of the basements and from abandoned parking places, a piece of history re-emerges, a rusty legacy of mothers and grandmothers. Kshan, 11 years old, has repainted and given a new life to his grandma's b...
In Macas, in the Eastern part of Ecuador, Fundación Chankuap works as an important mediator between the international members of the foundation and the indigenous communities that live in the forests on the border with Perù. The relationships between the inside and the outside of the forest are regulated with a great precision: every intervention must be carefu...
"She says I was sick... you are sick, you are sick, I am sick... do you feel good? I don't think so". Francesca's words open the film. "La Carovana" ("The Caravan") is a self-help/mutual aid group of parents of children with intellectual disabilities. The group gives them the possibility of telling their stories, which are also their children's stories, without feeling extra...
There is much to be told about the cattle farmers' world, the farms and the lonely hermit farmers. Near Pizzo Formico, in the Seriana valley, there is a mountain pasture. The cows will spend the summer there. Teresa Amara's journey is a bittersweet, poetic and fast, real-surreal film.
Cotacachi, Ecuador. A small colony of elderly American expats retires here to escape the effects of the global economic crisis. The tale of their lives and relationships provides the portrait of an exiled micro-community, a community hurt and traumatized, by the betrayal of the American Dream. They're looking for security, prosperity, well-being and - above all...
A Ring a ring-o' Roses of love stories, waiting times and impossible departures which takes place in a square. The most awarded short-film at Nanni Moretti's Sacher Festival.
Polystyrene is the material used to realize mannequins. The film documents the production process of these ambiguous thermo-blown humanoids, conceived from a granular substance and finishing in window exhibits.
It happens, sometimes, that a place finds you, even when you are not even looking for it, and you find out that you can't live without it. This is what must have happened to Elisa, the day when she was found by Sadurano. She got lost and she was wandering around following the road which, from Castrocaro Terme, climbs up the hills like a serpent, almost crawling.
Nell’atmosfera lunare di un’alba marina, tre pescatori seduti sul muretto scrutano immobili il mare, illuminati dalla luce artificiale dei lampioni. Cominciano così le quattro stagioni di Nicotera Marina, piccolissimo paese della costa calabrese. Un’unica voce ci accompagna in questo viaggio, una voce consapevole e partecipe, che illumina di umanit&a...