The film follows Gianluigi Trovesi, one of the greatest Italian jazz musician, in a journey through the musical aesthetics that he contributed to shape. The film accompanies the protagonist from the courtyard, a familiar and protected environment, and from the known and comforting images and sounds of his mother country to new, unknown and stimulating musical territories and...
Three stories of ordinary loneliness. Laura works for a travel agency and has to decide if she should date one of her clients. Massimo, a student of architecture, spends his time looking at a girl in the library. Luca, father and husband, dates young men. They all would like to find happiness and experience the power of love, but their ways and times are wrong and they miss ...
Cotacachi, Ecuador. A small colony of elderly American expats retires here to escape the effects of the global economic crisis. The tale of their lives and relationships provides the portrait of an exiled micro-community, a community hurt and traumatized, by the betrayal of the American Dream. They're looking for security, prosperity, well-being and - above all...
God extracts three little angels and one little demon from four eggs. Afterwards, helped by the little angels, he decides to go on with the Creation. In six days he thinks about everything even though the little demon disturbs Him in everything: he puts spikes on the roses, salt in the ocean and darnel in the wheat. This animation is composed of 400.000 drawings realized by ...
The film, conceived as an academic research, aims at investigating the relationship between several religions and the ways in which the experience of faith influences daily life on the territory of Bergamo. The starting point of the research was the "shadowing" experience together with Benoit, a young student of theology, who decided to spend a period of meditation in Europe...
The film follows Tome's life from the war to the beginning of the 60s'. Grown up in the north to a family of poor farmers, Tome has always been put upon in working and sexually abused. Nobuko, her daughter, is born from a one-night stand. Following a failed marriage, Tome moves to a city and finds her own independence working first as a worker and maid and after as a prosti...
Helén and Jenö are waiting for a child and are desperately searching for an accomodation. They eventually sign a contract with an old lady, Szeréna, who lives in a two-family house. According to the contract, they are to pay a moderate rent and they have to take care of her until her death. After the first weeks, Szeréna accuses the couple of trying to poison her and build...
Kirpi is a middle-class writer whose latest screenplay has been rejected. He is married to a sharp-tongued woman who dubs the voice of Marilyn Monroe. He will find himself involved in Kiraz's marital distress, his servant. Left Istanbul to reach Kiraz in her village, in the Turkish countryside, he finds out that away from the sophistication of the capital, life is regulated ...
Synopsis Dedicated home care nurse Vlasta attends her capricious patients in the Czech wine country, and lives for her husband Lada and her daughter, giving them more than they are asking for. Then, one day, things change and Vlasta is forced to step outside of her comfort zone. Drama and gentle humor intertwine as Vlasta realizes, for the first time in her life, that she...
In the late 1800's, Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, falls for Sophie Chotek, a Czech countess. He's already a problem to the Crown because of his political ideas; this love affair with someone not of royal blood breeches protocol. The Crown allows the union only after the couple agrees to a morganatic marriage. The emperor further neutralizes Fr...